Caution: This version of this document is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, see

What's New

You can select a topic from this diagram:

What's New Glossary Getting Started Utilities Used by the IDE Getting System Information Using Code Coverage Common Wizards Reference Preparing Your Target Developing Photon Applications Developing C/C++ Programs Where Files Are Stored Building OS and Flash Images Migrating to the 6.3 Release Tutorials IDE Concepts About This Guide Analyzing Your System With Kernel Tracing Profiling an Application Finding Memory Errors Debugging Programs Managing Source Code Launch Configurations Reference

Workflow with what's new chapter highlighted

This chapter identifies the changes made to the QNX Momentics IDE.

In this chapter:

Eclipse 3.3 and CDT 4.0 integration

The IDE includes the following new features:

Note: The 6.4.0 release doesn't include a version of the IDE running on QNX Neutrino host systems.

C and C++ development

The C and C++ development environment includes the following changes:

System information and target management

System information and target management includes the following changes:

Application Profiler

The Application Profiler includes the following changes:

System Profiler

The System Profiler includes the following changes:

System Builder

The System Builder includes the following changes:

Memory Analysis

The QNX Memory Analysis tool includes the following changes:


The QNX Debugger includes the following changes:

Code Coverage

Cove Coverage includes the following changes:

Compiler and Tools