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Mount ISO 9660 filesystems (QNX)


mount_iso9660 CD-ROM_block_special_file directory ...


CD-ROM_block_special_file directory
Mount, as a filesystem named directory, the named CD-ROM block special file.


The mount_iso9660 utility is used by the mount utility to mount CD-ROM block special files as filesystems. It may also be run directly.

To succeed, mount_is9660 requires that the Iso9660fsys filesystem manager already be running with the -s option.


Note: Typically, mount_iso9660 is invoked via the mount utility. Only if this is not possible (e.g. if the device is being mounted from within the boot image) should the mount_iso9660 utility be run directly.

Start the Iso9660fsys manager, then mount the CD-ROM on /dev/cd0 as /cd0:

    Iso9660fsys -s &
    mount_iso9660 /dev/cd0 /cd0

Exit status:

Successful completion.
An error occurred.

See also:

Iso9660fsys, mount, mount_cdfs, mount_smb

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