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Install/transfer software licenses (QNX)


Install licenses from floppy:

    license [-q] /dev/fdn

Update in-memory license information from disk or from another node:

    license {-r|-R node}

Install or copy old-style licenses:

    license [source [destination]]


Be quiet; don't print any messages.
Read the licenses from the license file /.licenses (a file which contains new-style licenses from QNX 4.23 and later), and from the directory /etc/licenses (old-style licenses) and place them in this node's in-memory license database.
-R node
Read up-to-date licenses from the specified node's in-memory license database.
The source of the license file, which can be one of:
Source Description
/dev/fdn A floppy drive that the licenses are transferred from (n can be either 0 or 1).
directory A directory that contains an old-style license files.
file A specific old-style license file to transfer.
The default is /dev/fd0.
The pathname of the old-style license directory that is to be updated (default is the /etc/licenses directory in the current filesystem).


The license utility transfers license files to your hard disk. These license files are used by the operating system and some applications to verify the licensing of the software. Licenses from QNX version 4.23 and later are kept in the file /.licenses. Pre-QNX 4.23 licenses are stored in files under the /etc/licenses directory.

When you receive a new license for your network or for an application that is licensed to you, you should place the diskette containing the license files in a floppy drive and run the license utility.


You must be logged in as root to use license.

Before you run the license utility to transfer licenses from a diskette, make sure the floppy driver has been started.

The utility will copy the license file from the diskette to your hard disk. Note that the new licenses won't become effective until you reboot or until you execute license with either -R node or -r.

Nodes that boot over the network will inherit licenses from the node they boot from.

All machines that boot from hard disk in a local area network should have all network licenses installed. This can be accomplished by using license source destination for old-style licenses, and cp sourcenode/.licenses destnode/.licenses for new-style licenses.


Copy the license file from the floppy diskette in drive 0 to the /.licenses file or the /etc/licenses directory, depending on whether new-style or old-style licenses are on the disk:



    license /dev/fd0

Copy the license files from the floppy diskette in drive 0 on node 10 to the /.licenses directory or the /etc/licenses directory, depending on whether new-style or old-style licenses are on the disk:

    license //10/dev/fd0

Copy all old-style license files from the /etc/licenses directory on node 1 to the /etc/licenses directory on node 5:

    license //1/etc/licenses //5/etc/licenses

Reload all licenses into memory from disk:

    license -r

Copy new-style licenses from node 1 to node 5:

    cp //1/.licenses //5/.licenses

See also:


Installation & Configuration

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