Querying sensor information

Updated: April 19, 2023

Querying information of a sensor unit

The Sensor library supports the following functions for sensor units that you configure in the sensor configuration file:

To query information from a sensor, call the function that corresponds to the property that you want to query. For example:

int err;
double position[3];
double yaw, pitch, roll;
sensor_unit_t unit = SENSOR_UNIT_NONE;
sensor_handle_t handle = NULL;
err = sensor_open(unit, SENSOR_ACCESSMODE_DATA, &handle);
err = sensor_get_location_property( handle,
                                    SENSOR_LOCATION_POSITION_X, &position[0],
                                    SENSOR_LOCATION_POSITION_Y, &position[1],
                                    SENSOR_LOCATION_POSITION_Z, &position[2],
                                    SENSOR_LOCATION_YAW, &yaw,
                                    SENSOR_LOCATION_PITCH, &pitch,
                                    SENSOR_LOCATION_ROLL, &roll);
printf("Sensor position: (%2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f), yaw: %2.1f, pitch %2.1f, roll %2.1f\n",
        position[0], position[1], position[2], yaw, pitch, roll);