
Updated: April 19, 2023

Write the comments in a zipfile to stdout, edit comments and rename files in a zipfile


zipnote  [-h] [-L] [-q] [-v] [-w] [-b path] zipfile

Runs on:

QNX Neutrino


-b path
Use the specified path for the temporary zip archive. This option lets you specify a directory that you know has enough space to store the archive.
Display a help message and exit.
Display the zipnote license and exit.
Change to quiet mode by eliminating informational messages and command prompts.
Print version information and exit.
Write the zipfile comments from stdin.
The zipfile whose comments you want to write out or edit, or whose files you want to rename.


The default mode of zipnote writes the comments in a zipfile to stdout. Use -w to enable the second mode which allows updating the comments as well as changing the names of the files in a zipfile. To change a filename, add a line “@=newname.


The ed utility could be used to edit the zipfile comments:

zipnote > foo.tmp 
ed foo.tmp 
# After editing and saving the comments in the file, 
# and exiting the editor,
# you can then update the comments in the zipfile
zipnote -w < foo.tmp