
Updated: April 19, 2023

Service name database (UNIX)




The /etc/services file contains information regarding the known services available in the DARPA Internet. For each service, a single line should be present with the following information:

official_service_name  port_number/protocol_name  aliases

For example:

ftp             21/tcp

The fields are as follows:

Service name.
Port number.
Protocol name.

Items are separated by any number of blanks, tabs, or both.

The port_number and protocol_name are considered a single item; a / is used to separate the two (e.g., 512/tcp).

A # in a line indicates the beginning of a comment; any characters after a #, up to the end of the line, aren't interpreted by the routines that search the file.

Service names may contain any printable character other than a field delimiter, newline, or comment character.