Mounting and unmounting filesystems

Updated: April 19, 2023

The following utilities work with filesystems:

Mount a block-special device or remote filesystem.
Unmount a device or filesystem.

For example, if fs-cifs is already running, you can mount filesystems on it like this:

mount -t cifs -o guest,none //SMB_SERVER: /bin

By default, filesystems are mounted as read-write if the physical media permit it. You can use the -r option for mount to mount the filesystem as read-only. The library also supports an ro option for mounting block I/O filesystems as read-only.

You can also use the -u option for the mount utility to temporarily change the way the filesystem is mounted. For example, if a filesystem is usually mounted as read-only, and you need to remount it as read-write, you can update the mounting by specifying -uw. For example:

mount -uw /

To return to read-only mode, use the -ur options:

mount -ur /

You should use umount to unmount a read-write filesystem before removing or ejecting removable media.

See the Utilities Reference for details on usage and syntax.