Benefits of Qnet

Updated: April 19, 2023

The Qnet protocol extends interprocess communication (IPC) transparently over a network of microkernels.

This is done by taking advantage of the QNX Neutrino's message-passing paradigm. Message passing is the central theme of the QNX Neutrino RTOS that manages a group of cooperating processes by routing messages. This enhances the efficiency of all transactions among all processes throughout the system.

What works best

The Qnet protocol is deployed as a network of trusted machines. It lets these machines share all their resources efficiently with minimum overhead. This is accomplished by allowing a client process to send a message to a remote manager in the same way that it sends a message to a local one.

See the How does it work? section of this chapter. For example, using Qnet, you can use the QNX Neutrino utilities (cp, mv and so on) to manipulate files anywhere on the Qnet Network as if they were on your machine—by communicating with the filesystem manager on the remote nodes. In addition, the Qnet protocol doesn't do any authentication of remote requests. Files are protected by the normal permissions that apply to users and groups (see File ownership and permissions in Working with Files in the User's Guide).

Qnet, through its distributed processing platform, lets you do the following tasks efficiently:

Since Qnet extends QNX Neutrino message passing over the network, anything built on top of message passing also works over the network.

What type of application is well-suited for Qnet?

Any application that inherently needs more than one computer, due to its processing or physical layout requirements, could likely benefit from Qnet.

For example, you can apply Qnet networking successfully in many industrial-automation applications (e.g., a fabrication plant, with computers scattered around). From an application standpoint, Qnet provides an efficient form of distributed computing where all computers look like one big computer because Qnet extends the fundamental QNX Neutrino message passing across all the computers.

Another useful application is in the telecom space, where you need to implement large routers that have several processors. From an architectural standpoint, these routers generally have some interface cards and a central processor that runs a set of server processes. Each interface card, in turn, has a processor that runs another set of interface (e.g., client) processes. These client processes communicate via Qnet using QNX Neutrino message passing with the server processes on the central processor, as if they were all running on the same processor. The scalability of Qnet allows more and more interface cards to be plugged into the router, without any code changes required to the application.
