Updated: April 19, 2023 |
Configure the white balance regions on the camera
#include <camera/camera_3a.h>
camera_error_t camera_set_whitebalance_regions(camera_handle_t handle, int numregions, camera_region_t *regions)
Only call this function if the CAMERA_FEATURE_REGIONWHITEBALANCE feature is available. Use the camera_can_feature() function to determine whether this feature is available. When white balance regions are defined, the auto white balance algorithm gives priority to objects in the defined areas of the scene.
The maximum number of white balance regions that you can configure is returned by the numsupported argument of the camera_get_whitebalance_regions() function.
After setting the regions, you must call the camera_set_whitebalance_mode() function to commit the changes.
CAMERA_EOK when the function successfully completes, otherwise another camera_error_t value that provides the reason that the call failed.