Run sample applications

Updated: April 19, 2023

The reference image includes multiple sample applications that allow you to experiment and see how various features run.

By default, the reference image is configured to start the ADAS example application automatically. If you want to interact with this application or run other sample applications included with the image, you must connect to it as described in Connect to the reference image, then use slmctl to stop the ADAS example application as follows:
# slmctl "stop adas_example"
Note: For VMware, you need to use slmctl instead of slay. On the VMware image, the System Launch Configuration (SLM) service is always running and if you try to slay a process, SLM will detect this and automatically restart it. Using slmctl informs SLM that we want to stop the process and not have it restarted.
These are the sample applications that demonstrate what you can build with the Sensor Framework:
  • The applications are for demonstrative/reference purposes and are meant as a starting point for you to learn how to build applications. They aren't intended for production and the code is structured in a manner to make it easier to learn how to use the API calls.
  • You can run multiple applications as long as they don't try to use the same sensor/camera; however, you only can see the most recent application on the display. If you ran an application in the background, to stop it, you can connect to the target and use the slmctl command as shown above.
  1. ADAS example: This application is configured to run immediately after the target system boots up. It reads sensor data and camera data to create visualizations using the ADAS library. For more information, see ADAS example in this chapter.
  2. Camera example: This application lets you configure camera settings and demonstrates how to use the Camera library with the cameras connected to your system. If a camera is configured correctly in the sensor configuration file, this application will indicate that the camera is available. For more information, see Camera example.”
  3. Camera MUX: This application can show a grid with the video feed from up to four cameras. The number of cameras that you want to use is configurable; the default number is four. For more information, see Camera MUX.”
  4. Sensor example: This application reads data by querying a sensor and then displays that data. You can also use it to record sensor information. For more information, see Sensor example.”