Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) Supplicant

The WPA supplicant utility, wpa_supplicant, must be launched during startup and runs as a background process (daemon) that controls access to the Wi-Fi connection.

You must run this utility after loading the wireless device driver but before starting wpa_pps, which uses the utility to perform authentication when creating a new connection. The wpa_supplicant entry in the Utilities Reference provides the full list of supported command-line options. Here, we provide some sample commands for starting the service in a Networking Middleware system. The options needed in this case are:
  • -c—provides the path and name of the configuration file
  • -D—names the wireless driver
  • -g—specifies the path to the global control interface socket
  • -i—specifies the interface to use (like with wpa_pps)
There may be a driver-specific version of the binary and configuration file available from the vendor. For instance, Texas Instruments provides not only a wireless driver for its WiLink 8 Wi-Fi module but also the wpa_supplicant_ti18xx binary and an associated configuration file. You would then launch the service as follows:
wpa_supplicant_ti18xx -D wilink -i tiw_sta0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf 
 -g /var/run/wpa_supplicant_global &
When there's no wpa_supplicant version for the driver you're using, you can use version 2.5, which is shipped with QNX SDP 7, and its configuration file:
/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant-2.5 -D qwdi -i mrvl_mlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant-2.5.conf
 -g /var/run/wpa_supplicant_global &
You should then use waitfor to wait until the global control interface socket has been created before launching wpa_pps. To wait for the socket creation, use a command like this:
waitfor /var/run/wpa_supplicant_global 5
where the second argument refers to the number of seconds to wait.