
Data for a connected network interface


#include <qwf/qwf_net.h>
typedef struct qwf_net_ConnectData_s {
    qwf_net_IfName_t ifName;
    qwf_net_IfType_e ifType;
    qwf_net_IpConfigMethod_e ip4ConfigMethod;
    qwf_net_IpConfigMethod_e ip6ConfigMethod;
    qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip4Address;
    qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip6Address;
    qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip4Netmask;
    uint8_t ip6NetPrefixLen;
    qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip4Gateway;
    qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip6Gateway;
    qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip4NameServers[QWF_NET_NUM_DNS_ADDRS];
    qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip6NameServers[QWF_NET_NUM_DNS_ADDRS];
} qwf_net_ConnectData_t;


qwf_net_IfName_t ifName

Network interface name

qwf_net_IfType_e ifType

Network interface type

qwf_net_IpConfigMethod_e ip4ConfigMethod

Whether the IPv4 interface settings are configured manually, DHCP settings are applied, or the interface won't be considered for IPv4 selection.

qwf_net_IpConfigMethod_e ip6ConfigMethod

Whether the IPv6 interface settings are configured manually, DHCPv6 settings are applied, or the interface won't be considered for IPv6 selection.

qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip4Address

IPv4 address (if available)

qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip6Address

IPv6 address (if available)

qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip4Netmask

IPv4 netmask (if IPv4 is available)

uint8_t ip6NetPrefixLen

IPv6 network prefix length (if IPv6 is available), as the number of bits used for the mask. The maximum prefix length is 128.

qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip4Gateway

IPv4 gateway for the interface

qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip6Gateway

IPv6 gateway for the interface

qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip4NameServers[QWF_NET_NUM_DNS_ADDRS]

IPv4 primary and secondary name servers for the interface, as an array of IP addresses

qwf_net_IpAddrStr_t ip6NameServers[QWF_NET_NUM_DNS_ADDRS]

IPv6 primary and secondary name servers for the interface, as an array of IP addresses




This structure type stores network interface data that the client passes to the NET MGR service when informing it of a connected interface. Both IPv4 and IPv6 connections are supported.