Including files in the image

When it looks for files to include in the OS image it is building, mkifs uses the path set by the MKIFS_PATH environment variable. If MKIFS_PATH isn't set, it searches its default paths.

The mkifs search paths

When it builds an image, by default mkifs searches for components along the path set in the MKIFS_PATH environment variable.

If MKIFS_PATH is not set, mkifs searches for the components in:

  1. the current working directory, if the component's filename contains a slash (but doesn't start with one)
  2. the directories listed below (The PROCESSOR environment variable is set by a buildfile attribute; see Specifying the board architecture)
Binaries (esh, ls, etc.)
OSs (procnto*, etc.)
Libraries and shared objects
Shared objects

For information about how to change where mkifs searches for the components it places in the OS image it is building, see Changing where mkifs looks for files below.