Many consumer devices (wireless routers to connect your internal LAN to the Internet for example) are shipped with security features such as encryption turned off. We recommend that you enable encryption in these devices rather than turn off encryption when creating a wireless network.
Use wpa_supplicant to associate with a security-disabled Wi-Fi network. For example, if your /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file can contain a network block as follows:
network = { ssid = "network name" key_mgmt = NONE }
you can then run:
wpa_supplicant -i abc0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
You may also use wpa_cli to tell wpa_supplicant what you want to do. You can use either ifconfig or wpa_cli to check the status of the network. To complete your network configuration, see Client in infrastructure or ad hoc mode in the section on TCP/IP interface configuration.