
Set a mutex type


#include <pthread.h>

int pthread_mutexattr_settype( 
                      pthread_mutexattr_t * attr, 
                      int type );


A pointer to the pthread_mutexattr_t object that you want to set the attribute in.
The new type; one of:
  • PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL — no deadlock detection. A thread that attempts to relock this mutex without first unlocking it deadlocks. Attempts to unlock a mutex locked by a different thread or attempts to unlock an unlocked mutex result in undefined behavior.
  • PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK — provides error checking. A thread returns with an error when it attempts to relock this mutex without first unlocking it, unlock a mutex that another thread has locked, or unlock an unlocked mutex.
  • PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE — a thread that attempts to relock this mutex without first unlocking it succeeds in locking the mutex. The relocking deadlock that can occur with mutexes of type PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL can't occur with this mutex type. Multiple locks of this mutex require the same number of unlocks to release the mutex before another thread can acquire the mutex. A thread that attempts to unlock a mutex that another thread has locked, or unlock an unlocked mutex, returns with an error.
  • PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT — the default value of the type attribute. In QNX Neutrino, PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT mutexes are treated in the same way as PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK ones.



Use the -l c option to qcc to link against this library. This library is usually included automatically.


The pthread_mutexattr_settype() function sets the mutex type in the mutex attribute object attr to the value given by type.


The value specified by attr or type is invalid.


POSIX 1003.1

Cancellation point No
Interrupt handler No
Signal handler Yes
Thread Yes


An application shouldn't use a PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE mutex with condition variables because the implicit unlock performed for a pthread_cond_wait() or pthread_cond_timedwait() may not actually release the mutex (if it's been locked multiple times). If this happens, no other thread can satisfy the condition of the predicate.