gcc, g++

Compile and link a program (GNU)

Note: We recommend you use qcc instead of invoking gcc directly.


gcc_variant [ option | filename ]...
g++_variant [ option | filename ]...

where gcc_variant and g++_variant depend on the target platform, as follows:

Target platform gcc_variant g++_variant
ARMv7 ntoarmv7-gcc ntoarmv7-g++
x86 ntox86-gcc ntox86-g++

Runs on:

Linux, Microsoft Windows


We recommend you use qcc or QCC instead of gcc to compile and link your programs. You can use the -V option to qcc to invoke gcc. For example:

qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le my_file.c

For detailed documentation about gcc, see http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.7.3/gcc/.

  • If you use exceptions, you must link with the -lang-c++ option to qcc. This option is the default for QCC.
  • Even with exceptions disabled, the default new() operator throws a std::out_of_memory exception if there isn't enough memory. If you want new() to return NULL instead of throwing an exception, you can provide a custom new handler via std::set_new_handler() to do so, or use std::nothrow.

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