In the sleepon section, we promised to talk about the difference between the pthread_sleepon_signal() and pthread_sleepon_broadcast() functions. In the same breath, we'll talk about the difference between the two condvar functions pthread_cond_signal() and pthread_cond_broadcast().
The short story is this: the "signal" version will wake up only one thread. So, if there were multiple threads blocked in the "wait" function, and a thread did the "signal," then only one of the threads would wake up. Which one? The highest priority one. If there are two or more at the same priority, the ordering of wakeup is indeterminate. With the "broadcast" version, all blocked threads will wake up.
It may seem wasteful to wake up all threads. On the other hand, it may seem sloppy to wake up only one (effectively random) thread.
Therefore, we should look at where it makes sense to use one over the other. Obviously, if you have only one thread waiting, as we did in either version of the consumer program, a "signal" will do just fineāone thread will wake up and, guess what, it'll be the only thread that's currently waiting.
In a multithreaded situation, we've got to ask: "Why are these threads waiting?" There are usually two possible answers:
In the first case, we can imagine that all the threads have code that might look like the following:
/* * cv1.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> pthread_mutex_t mutex_data = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t cv_data = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; int data; thread1 () { for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_data); while (data == 0) { pthread_cond_wait (&cv_data, &mutex_data); } // do something pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_data); } } // thread2, thread3, etc have the identical code.
In this case, it really doesn't matter which thread gets the data, provided that one of them gets it and does something with it.
However, if you have something like this, things are a little different:
/* * cv2.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> pthread_mutex_t mutex_xy = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t cv_xy = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; int x, y; int isprime (int); thread1 () { for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_xy); while ((x > 7) && (y != 15)) { pthread_cond_wait (&cv_xy, &mutex_xy); } // do something pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_xy); } } thread2 () { for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_xy); while (!isprime (x)) { pthread_cond_wait (&cv_xy, &mutex_xy); } // do something pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_xy); } } thread3 () { for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_xy); while (x != y) { pthread_cond_wait (&cv_xy, &mutex_xy); } // do something pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_xy); } }
In these cases, waking up one thread isn't going to cut it! We must wake up all three threads and have each of them check to see if its predicate has been satisfied or not.
This nicely reflects the second case in our question above ("Why are these threads waiting?"). Since the threads are all waiting on different conditions (thread1() is waiting for x to be less than or equal to 7 or y to be 15, thread2() is waiting for x to be a prime number, and thread3() is waiting for x to be equal to y), we have no choice but to wake them all.