CSV results file format

Note: To include column headers for the event data in the exported CSV file, check the Generate header row box in the Exporting Memory Analysis Data wizard.

Memory events format

For a memory allocation or deallocation event, the data in the results file appears in the following order:
  • SESSION NAME: name of the session
  • SESSION TIME: time that the session was created. For an imported session, it is the time of the import; not the time the session was created.
  • EVENT ID: a unique ID for the memory event
  • TIME STAMP: timestamp of when the event occurred on the target machine
  • PROCESS ID: an ID for the process
  • THREAD ID: an ID for the thread
  • CPU: CPU number for multicore machines
  • ALLOC KIND: the type of allocation
  • ACTUAL SIZE: number of bytes in the allocated block
  • REQUESTED SIZE: the number of bytes that were requested
  • DEALLOCATED: indicates whether the memory block was freed
  • POINTER: pointer value associated with the event
  • SOURCE LOCATION: a source location where memory was allocated
  • ROOT LOCATION: specifies the source location for the stacj trace; typically main or a thread entry function
  • FULL TRACE: a full trace for the allocation

Bin events format

For a memory bin event, the data in the results file appears in the following order:
  • SESSION NAME: name of the session
  • SESSION TIME: time that the session was created. For an imported session, it is the time of the import, not the time the session was created.
  • EVENT ID: a unique ID for the bin event
  • TIME STAMP: timestamp of when the event occurred on the target machine
  • PROCESS ID: an ID for the process
  • SIZE: memory size (in bytes, by powers of two — 2, 4, 8, 16, and so on, up to 4096, including larger blocks such as anything over 4 KB) in this bin
  • ALLOCATION: the number of allocations in this bin
  • DEALLOCATIONS: the amount of free memory in this bin

Runtime error events format

For a runtime error event, the data in the results file appears in the following order:
  • SESSION NAME: name of the session
  • SESSION TIME: time that the session was created. For an imported session, it is the time of the import; not the time the session was created.
  • EVENT ID: a unique ID for the runtime error event
  • TIME STAMP: timestamp of when the event occurred on the target machine
  • PROCESS ID: an ID for the process
  • THREAD ID: an ID for the thread
  • CPU: CPU number for multicore machines
  • MESSAGE: error message returned
  • POINTER: pointer value associated with the error argument
  • TRAP FUNCTION: identifies where the error was caught
  • ALLOC KIND: specifies the type of allocation for the argument (pointer) being validated
  • SEVERITY: error severity
  • MEMORY STATE: indicates whether the pointer memory was used, or is free
  • SOURCE LOCATION: specifies the source location where the error occurred (trapped)
  • ROOT LOCATION: specifies the source location for the stacj trace; typically main or a thread entry function
  • FULL TRACE: a full trace for the error
  • FULL ALLOC TRACE: a full allocation trace for the pointer

Band events format

For a band event, the data in the results file appears in the following order:
  • SESSION NAME: name of the session
  • SESSION TIME: time that the session was created. For an imported session, it is the time of the import, not the time the session was created.
  • EVENT ID: a unique ID for the band event
  • TIME STAMP: timestamp of when the event occurred on the target machine
  • PROCESS ID: an ID for the process
  • SIZE: block size (in bytes — 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, and 128 bytes in size) for this band
  • TOTAL BLOCKS: the total number of blocks in the band
  • FREE BLOCKS: the amount of free blocks in the band