diskimage configuration file

Configuration file for diskimage


The diskimage utility requires a configuration file that specifies the disk image layout and content.

For the full grammar of the configuration file, see Grammar.”

The configuration file has these parts:
  • disk configuration—(Required unless the output file is a disk device) A description of disk-wide parameters.
  • partition definitions—(Optional) Any number of partition descriptions. The partition descriptions specify the partitions to create, as well as the contents and characteristics (attributes) of each partition.
The configuration file uses a specific syntax. The following general rules apply:
  • Line breaks and spaces can occur anywhere, except in literals or tokens.
  • Whitespaces used in a string literal in double quotes ("") are interpreted as part of that string.
  • A line feed (LF) character indicates the end of a line. Carriage return characters (CR) are silently ignored and aren't interpreted as the end of line.
  • A hash (#) character indicates the beginning of a comment. Comments can begin anywhere and always extend to the end of the line.
  • Numeric values can be specified as decimal, octal, or hexadecimal. Optionally, numeric values can use these suffix values to indicate a factor:
    • k or K to represent kilo (1024)
    • m or M to represent mega (10242)
    • g or G to represent giga (10243)
    • t or T to represent tera (10244)
    • p or P to represent peta (10245)