Controlling your system information session

The selections you make in the Target Navigator view control the information you see in the System Information perspective:

The Target Navigator view shows the system information.

You can customize the Target Navigator view to:

To access the Target Navigator view's customization menu, click the menu button () in the Target Navigator view's title bar.

You can reverse a selected sort order by clicking the Reverse sort button () in the view's title bar.

You can enable or disable the automatic refresh by clicking the Automatic Refresh button () in the view's title bar. Entries in the Target Navigator view are gray when their data is stale and needs refreshing.

If you've disabled automatic refresh, you can refresh the Target Navigator view by right-clicking and choosing Refresh from the context menu.

The Target Navigator view also let you control the information shown by the following views:

To control the display in the Information views:

  1. In the Target Navigator view, expand a target and select a process:

Selecting a process in the Target Navigator view.

The currently-displayed Information view is updated to show information about the selected process.

Updating the views

To update the views in the System Information perspective:

  1. In the Target Navigator view, expand a target and select a process. (You can also select groups of processes by using the Ctrl or Shift keys.) The views reflect your selection.

The data shown in the System Information perspective is updated automatically whenever new data is available.

Adding views to the System Information perspective

By default, some views don't appear in the System Information perspective. To add a view to the perspective:

  1. From the main menu, select Window > Show View, and then select a view.
  2. The view appears in your perspective.
  3. If you want to save a customized set of views as a new perspective, select Window > Save Perspective As from the main menu.
Note: Some of the views associated with the System Information perspective can add a noticeable processing load to your host CPU. You can improve its performance by: