Version coexistence

You can have a QNX Software Development Platform (SDP) version 6.5.0 installation on the same machine as QNX Momentics 6.4.1, 6.3.x and 6.2.x. In most cases, the IDE installed with version 6.5.0 should work with the toolchains from these earlier releases.

When you install the QNX SDP, you receive a set of configuration files that indicate where you've installed the software. The QNX_CONFIGURATION environment variable stores the location of the configuration files for the installed versions of Neutrino.

By default, the IDE uses the last installed version of QNX software that appears in the Select Install list on the Global QNX Preferences page (select Window > Preferences, and then select QNX).

QWinCfg for Windows hosts

On Windows hosts, you can use the configuration program (QWinCfg) to change versions of the QNX Momentics Tool Suite for the IDE.

qconfig utility for non-Windows hosts

The qconfig utility lets you configure your computer to use a specific version of Neutrino:

Note: In the previous example, notice that you must use the back tick character (`), not the single quote character (').

For more information about coexistence, see Coexistence in the Migrating from Earlier Releases appendix.