Configuration files

Configuration files specify the configurations of the IFS, the partitions, and the final target image.

File locations

The configuration files that you may need to modify to change your product (e.g., QNX Platform for ADAS) configuration are located in the following directories:


Note the following directories at this location:

Configuration files used by all variants of the specified board (platform) (e.g., jacinto6evm).
Board variant-specifc configuration files that specify the contents of your system and how your image is built (e.g., $QNX_DEPLOYMENT_WORKSPACE/infra/boards/j6eco.ext).

The files that configure the IFS or IFSs, and the final image are in the following directories inside board.variant:

Files in this directory tell mksysimage the IFS or IFSs to use, the profile files that specify the image contents, and the partition sizes and configuration for the final target image assemnbly.
Files in this directory specify how to generate the IFS for the current board.


The image generation process uses the following configuration files:

The build files mkifs uses to build the OS image (see mkifs in the Utilities Reference, and Building Embedded Systems).
The top-level configuration file. Lists the disk images to be created, and the profile files to use (e.g., os.xml and dos-sd.xml) to configure each image (see The mksysimage configuration files in the Configuring Partitions and Images chapter).
Specify the properties of the disk for which the image will be generated (see Configuring Partitions and Images).
Specify the files, directories and symbolic links to be included in an image (see Filesets).
Specifies how diskimage configures the *.img files for each partition to create the complete target image (see Systems Services).
Specify the filesets to use to define what gets included in an image. Entries in each mksysimage configuration file (board-mksysimage.cfg) specify which profile files to use (see Profiles).
Specifies the order in which the image generation process searchs directories for the configuration information and components it needs to build an image (see Search paths).

When mksysimage has finished, it places a *.img file (e.g., jacinto6evm-sd.img) with the complete target image in the directory you specify when you run the script (see mksysimage in the Utility Scripts chapter).