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Caution: This version of this document is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, see http://www.qnx.com/developers/docs.

Appendix: A Simple Plugin Example


A code sample of a phplay plugin is in /usr/free/neutrino/multimedia/phabplugin1.tgz

Overview of Phabplugin1.so:

Plugin example

int MvInit( MvPluginCtrl_t *pc ) 
  MvPluginData_t *pd;
    pctrl = pc;
  if( ( pd = malloc(sizeof(*pd)) ) == NULL ) 
        return -1;
  memset( pd, 0, sizeof(*pd) );
  pc->pdata      = pd;
  pc->calls      = &calls;
  pc->pflags     = MV_SPANE | MV_HASDFLTURL;
    // initialize phap : path = full pathname to this dll
    ApAddContext( &AbContext, pc->name );
  return 0;

This function's dispatch command comes from mplayer and is sent to the appropriate plugin function handler:

static int command( MvCommandData_t *cmdData )
    int            return_code = -1 ;
    PtArg_t        arg;
    char*          string;
    MvPluginData_t *pd = cmdData->pluginCtrl->pdata;
    switch( cmdData->cmdType )
        case CMD_PLUGIN_OPEN_URLS:
            string = " Plugin received :CMD_PLUGIN_OPEN_URLS\n";
            return_code = 0;

        case CMD_PLUGIN_CLOSE:
            string = " Plugin received :CMD_PLUGIN_CLOSE\n";
            return_code = 0;

        case CMD_PLUGIN_START:
            string = " Plugin received :CMD_PLUGIN_START\n";
            return_code = 0;
            string = "Plugin Received an Unknown Message\n";
            return_code = -1;
    PtSetArg( &arg, Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, string, 0 );
    PtSetResources( ABW_status_label, 1, &arg );    
    return return_code;

static MvMediaInfo_t const* get_item( MvPluginCtrl_t *pc, MvMediaInfoFlag_t which,
unsigned index )
  MvPluginData_t *pd = pc->pdata;
    fprintf(stderr,"Plugin received command get item\n");
  if( which == MV_MEDIA_INFO )
        // get item and return it if index is valid
  return NULL;

static void terminate( MvPluginCtrl_t *pc )
  MvPluginData_t   *pd          = pc->pdata;
    MvPluginStatus_t pluginStatus = {0};
    fprintf(stderr, " Plugin received command to terminate\n");
    //do some cleanup
    free( pd );
    //phab cleanup
    ApRemoveContext( &AbContext );
    // notify phplay that we're done
    pluginStatus.state = MV_DEAD;
    pc->cb( pc, MVS_PLUGIN_STATE , &pluginStatus );

int plugin_set_params( MvPluginCtrl_t *pc, MvPlaybackParam_t which, MvPlaybackParams_t *param )
    MvPluginData_t *pd;
    PtArg_t        arg;

    pd = pc->pdata;

    if( which & MVP_SPANE_WGT )
        PhDim_t dim;
        if( param->spane_wgt && (param->spane_wgt != pd->container_wgt) )
            pd->container_wgt = (PtWidget_t*) param->spane_wgt;
            ApCreateModule( ABM_spane, pd->container_wgt, NULL );
        //extract container widget dimension
        PtWidgetDim( pd->container_wgt, &dim );
        // resize GUI to fit
        //PtSetArg( &arg, Pt_ARG_DIM, &dim , 0 );
        //PtSetResources( ABW_plugin_gui, 1, &arg );
        //update width PtNumericInteger widget
        PtSetArg( &arg, Pt_ARG_NUMERIC_VALUE, dim.w, 0);
        PtSetResources( ABW_pane_width, 1, &arg);
        //update height PtNumericInteger widget
        PtSetArg( &arg, Pt_ARG_NUMERIC_VALUE, dim.h, 0);
        PtSetResources( ABW_pane_height, 1, &arg);
        //PtExtentWidget( pd->container_wgt );
        PtReRealizeWidget( pd->container_wgt );
    return 0;

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