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Caution: This version of this document is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, see http://www.qnx.com/developers/docs.


Information used when registering with io-net


typedef struct _io_net_registrant {
    uint32_t  flags;
    char      *name;
    char      *top_type;
    char      *bot_type;
    void      *func_hdl;
    io_net_registrant_funcs_t *funcs;
    uint16_t   endpoint;
    int       ndependencies;
} io_net_registrant_t;


The io_net_registrant_t structure contains information that's used when registering your driver with io-net. It's a member of the io_net_self_t structure.

The members are defined as follows:

The type and characteristics of the driver being registered. The driver should set this to _REG_PRODUCER_UP. The driver can also optionally set the _REG_ENDPOINT flag.
Points to the name of the driver module. For example, the devn-smc9000.so driver DLL would set this to point to the string devn-smc9000.
An Ethernet driver should make this member point to the string en. However, if a different string was specified via the uptype driver option, the driver should use this instead.
Set this field to NULL.
This is a function that will be passed to all of the driver's entry points. The driver should specify a pointer that points to its internal data structures associated with the interface.
Specifies a pointer to the driver's entry point table, which is of type io_net_registrant_funcs_t, also defined in <sys/io-net.h>.
If the driver wants to let io-net automatically assign an interface (LAN) number to the interface, the contents of this field are ignored. If the driver wants to select a LAN number (for example, if a LAN number was specified via the lan driver option), the driver should set the _REG_ENDPOINT flag in the flags field. In this case, the contents of this field will specify the LAN number, and io-net will attempt to assign this LAN number to the interface.

However, the specified LAN number may already be assigned to another interface. If this is the case, io-net will assign a different, available interface number instead. In any case, after a successful attempt at registration, the endpoint parameter that was passed to the reg() function will point to the value of the actual LAN number that was assigned.


QNX Neutrino

See also:

io_net_registrant_funcs_t, io_net_self_t

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