
Set kernel timers

Any app
Note: This type of object is known as a server object, a special PPS object designed for point-to-point communication between a server and one or more clients. For details, see "Server objects" in the QNX Persistent Publish/Subscribe Developer's Guide.

Message/response format

Commands sent to the /pps/services/alarm/control object are of the form:


Responses always reflect the command_string and ID_number that were sent in the message, along with any errors:



msg:: id:: dat:json:
set Number {"parameter":"value", "parameter":"value", ...} (see below)
delete Number {"alarmid":value} (number returned from set command)
Note: If you attempt to delete an alarm that doesn't exist or has already expired, the errno_number will be 3 (ESRCH).

Parameters for set command

Parameter Value
  • relative—triggered n seconds from now
  • absolute—triggered at a certain time
Note: If a relative alarm is set, the seconds parameter must be given (with optional milliseconds) to determine how long before the alarm expires. If an absolute alarm is set, the alarm expiry time must be specified in one of three ways:
  1. POSIX time (posixtime with optional milliseconds)
  2. POSIX time in milliseconds (posixtimems)
  3. date and time (with year, month, day, hour, and minute; second and millisecond are optional)
clientlabel Simple label to identify the client.
day The day when an absolute timer expires. You must also specify year, month, hour, and minute.
hour The hour when an absolute timer expires. You must also specify year, month, day, and minute.
millisecond The millisecond (0-999) when an absolute timer expires. This is optional (default is 0).
milliseconds The milliseconds (0-999) from now when a relative timer will expire. This is optional (default is 0).
minute The minute when an absolute timer expires. You must also specify year, month, day, and hour.
month The month when an absolute timer expires. You must also specify year, day, hour, and minute.
posixtime The time (in seconds since the epoch) when an absolute timer expires. You may also specify the millisecond parameter to indicate a millisecond delay from the given posixtime.
posixtimems The time (in milliseconds since the epoch) when an absolute timer expires.
precise Boolean value (0 or non-0) to indicate whether the alarm should be precise. This is optional (default is non-0).
second The second when an absolute timer expires. This is optional, but if specified you must also specify year, month, day, hour, and minute.
seconds The number of seconds from now when a relative timer will expire.
tolerance Specify the timer tolerance in nanoseconds. This is optional (default is 0).
year The year when an absolute timer expires. You must also specify month, day, hour, and minute.


Set a relative alarm and observe its status. First we force the shell to keep the file descriptor open:

# exec 3<> /pps/services/alarm/control

Then we issue the set command:

echo 'msg::set\ndat::{alarmtype:"relative", seconds:15, precise:1, clientlabel:"client1"}' >&3; cat <&3

The control object should now look something like this:
The name of the /pps/services/alarm/status-<clientlabel> status object reflects the label given in the set command. The object should look like this: