
Status object that the Bluetooth Manager uses to publish responses to requests

Bluetooth Manager
Any app


The Bluetooth Manager publishes these events in response to requests made via the /pps/services/bluetooth/control object:

Event Description
BTMGR_EVENT_AUTHORIZE_REQUIRED Incoming Bluetooth connection request needs to be authorized.
BTMGR_EVENT_COMMAND_FAILED The last command sent has failed.
BTMGR_EVENT_CONFIRM_NUMERIC_REQ A pairing request from a remote device has been confirmed.
BTMGR_EVENT_CONNECT_ALL_FAILURE The attempt to connect all services has failed.
BTMGR_EVENT_CONNECT_ALL_SUCCESS The attempt to connect all services has succeeded.
BTMGR_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED A remote device was paired.
BTMGR_EVENT_DEVICE_DELETED The specified paired device was successfully deleted.
BTMGR_EVENT_DEVICE_DELETED_FAILED Request to delete the specified paired device has failed.
BTMGR_EVENT_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED List of devices under /pps/services/bluetooth/remote_devices/<mac_addr> has changed.
BTMGR_EVENT_DEVICE_SEARCH_COMPLETE Search for remote devices is done.
BTMGR_EVENT_DISCONNECT_ALL_FAILURE The attempt to disconnect all services has failed.
BTMGR_EVENT_DISCONNECT_ALL_SUCCESS The attempt to disconnect all services has succeeded.
BTMGR_EVENT_DISPLAY_NUMERIC_IND Authentication number shown during pairing.
BTMGR_EVENT_INIT_PAIRING_FAILED Request to initiate pairing to the remote device has failed.
BTMGR_EVENT_INIT_PAIRING_SUCESS Request to initiate pairing to the remote device has succeeded.
BTMGR_EVENT_LEGACY_PIN_REQUIRED Legacy PIN requested during pairing.
BTMGR_EVENT_PAIRING_CANCELED Request to cancel an initiated device pairing has succeeded.
BTMGR_EVENT_PAIRING_COMPLETE Request to initiate pairing to a remote device has succeeded.
BTMGR_EVENT_PAIRING_FAILED Request to initiate pairing to a remote device has failed.
BTMGR_EVENT_PASSKEY_REQUIRED Passkey (alphanumeric PIN) requested during pairing.
BTMGR_EVENT_RADIO_INIT Bluetooth system and the radio chip were initialized.
BTMGR_EVENT_SERVICE_CONNECTED A service was connected.
BTMGR_EVENT_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED A service was disconnected.
BTMGR_EVENT_STACK_FAULT Bluetooth stack has failed; restart required.