
The Bluetooth Manager listens for commands from the HMI on this control object

Any app
Bluetooth Manager


The control object accepts the following commands:

Command Parameters Description
authorize data: MAC address of the device.

data2: Boolean value (true | false) to indicate whether to authorize.

Authorize an incoming Bluetooth connection request.
cancel_device_search n/a Cancel an initiated device search.
cancel_pairing data: MAC address of the device. Cancel an initiated device pairing request. Note that this command must be issued before the pairing completes.
connect_service data: MAC address of the device.
data2: Service number:
  • 0x1101: SERIAL_PORT (Serial Port Profile)
  • 0x111E: HANDSFREE (Hands-Free Profile)
  • 0x1130: PBAP_PROFILE (Phone Book Access Profile)
  • 0x1134: MAP_PROFILE (Message Access Profile)
Connect to a Bluetooth service on the remote paired device.
Note: For the SPP service, you need to specify the UUID in the data2 parameter by putting a colon between the service number and the UUID. For example:


device_search n/a Search for remote devices. Results will be published to /pps/services/bluetooth/status (devices will also be published under /pps/services/bluetooth/remote_devices/<mac_addr>).
disconnect_service data: MAC address of the device.
data2: Service number:
  • 0x1101: SERIAL_PORT (Serial Port Profile)
  • 0x111E: HANDSFREE (Hands-Free Profile)
  • 0x1130: PBAP_PROFILE (Phone Book Access Profile)
  • 0x1134: MAP_PROFILE (Message Access Profile)
Disconnect a connected Bluetooth service. For SPP (as with the connect_service command), you must specify the UUID in the data2 parameter.
initiate_pairing data: MAC address of the device. Initiate pairing to a remote device.
radio_init n/a Initialize the Bluetooth system and the radio chip.
radio_shutdown n/a Shut down the radio.
remove_device data: MAC address of the device. Delete a paired device from the system.
set_access data: Accessibility level (0 - 4):
  • 0: IOBT_NOT_ACCESSIBLE (no discoverability and connectability)
  • 1: IOBT_GENERAL_ACCESSIBLE (general discoverability and connectability)
  • 2: IOBT_LIMITED_ACCESSIBLE (limited discoverability and connectability)
  • 3: IOBT_CONNECTABLE_ONLY (connectable but not discoverable)
  • 4: IOBT_DISCOVERABLE_ONLY (discoverable but not connectable)
Set the accessibility level of the Bluetooth system.
set_legacy_pin data: MAC address of the device.

data2: PIN of legacy device (usually a four-digit number).

Set a numeric PIN required for authentication during pairing.
set_name data: Desired name. Set the friendly name of the Bluetooth system.
set_passkey data: MAC address of the device.

data2: Pass phrase string (usually four, but not more than six, characters).

Set the pass phrase required for authentication during pairing.
user_confirm data: MAC address of the device.

data2: Boolean value (true | false) to indicate whether to confirm request.

Confirm an authorization request from a remote device.


Set the accessibility level so devices will be discoverable:

echo "command::set_access\ndata:n:1" >> /pps/services/bluetooth/control

Allow a connection request from the specified device:

echo "command::authorize\ndata::BB:C3:33:AD:66:CD\ndata2::b:true" >> /pps/services/bluetooth/control

Connect the specified device using the Phone Book Access Profile:

echo "command::connect_service\ndata::BA:C3:32:AD:55:CC\ndata2::0x1130" >> /pps/services/bluetooth/control

Connect the specified device to the specified UUID using the Serial Port Profile:

echo "command::connect_service\ndata::BA:C3:32:AD:55:CC\ndata2::0x1101:5DF26DC6-8E42-8401-6D98-75C100B108B1" >> /pps/services/bluetooth/control

Pair with the specified device:

echo "command::initiate_pairing\ndata::CC:55:AD:24:46:51" >> /pps/services/bluetooth/control

echo "command::user_confirm\ndata::CC:55:AD:24:46:51\ndata2:b:true" >> /pps/services/bluetooth/control

Remove pairing for the specified device:

echo "command::remove_device\ndata::CC:55:AD:24:46:51" >> /pps/services/bluetooth/control