
Initialize a precompiled statement


#include <qdb/qdb.h>

int qdb_stmt_init( qdb_hdl_t *hdl,
                   const char *sql,
                   uint32_t len)


A pointer to the database handle.
An SQL statement. This statement may contain variable parameters of the form ?n, where n is a number between 1 and 999. These placeholders can be filled in with data on a subsequent call to qdb_stmt_exec(). Parameters that aren't filled in are interpreted as NULL. For more information, see "Parameters" in the description of expressions, in the appendix SQL Expressions.
The length of sql.




This function initializes a prepared (precompiled) SQL statement. A prepared statement is compiled once, and can be executed multiple times (with calls to qdb_stmt_exec()). This function returns a statement ID for the precompiled statement, which you need to pass in to qdb_stmt_exec().

QDB executes precompiled statements faster than uncompiled statements, so this approach can optimize your application's performance when executing frequently used statements.

You can free precompiled statements using qdb_stmt_free(), although all precompiled statements are freed when you call qdb_disconnect().


Success. The returned value is the prepared statement ID, which you pass to qdb_stmt_exec() and qdb_stmt_free().
An error occurred (errno is set).


The following code snippet shows how to compile, execute, and free an SQL statement:

int           stmtid;
qdb_binding_t qbind[2];
uint64_t      msid, limit;

const char   *sql = "SELECT fid FROM library 
                       WHERE msid=?1 LIMIT ?2;";

stmtid = qdb_stmt_init(db, sql, strlen(sql)+1);

if (stmtid == -1) {
     // Could not compile
     return -1;

msid = 1;
limit = 10;
QDB_SETBIND_INT(&qbind[0], 1, msid);
QDB_SETBIND_INT(&qbind[1], 2, limit);

if (qdb_stmt_exec(db, stmtid, qbind, 2) == -1) {
     // Could not execute
     return -1;

qdb_stmt_free(db, stmtid);
Note: Note the +1 added to the length of the string returned by strlen(); this sends QDB the final NULL character required of a valid string.


QNX Neutrino

Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread Yes