
Set an option for a database connection


#include <qdb/qdb.h>

int qdb_setoption( qdb_hdt_t *hdl,
                   int option,
                   int value );


A pointer to the database handle to set the option for.
The option to set. It can be one of:
  • QDB_OPTION_LAST_INSERT_ROWID — automatically put the last inserted ROWID into any result you fetch. If this option isn't set, that data isn't included in the result structure, and calling qdb_last_insert_rowid() will query the database connection for this information instead.

    By default, this option is on.

  • QDB_OPTION_ROW_CHANGES — put the number of rows affected by a statement into any result you fetch. If this option isn't set, that data isn't included in the result structure, and calling qdb_rowchanges() will query the database connection for this information instead.

    By default, this option is on.

  • QDB_OPTION_COLUMN_NAMES — populate the column names into the qdb_result_t that is returned from qdb_getresult(). If this option isn't set, that data isn't provided, and calling qdb_column_index() won't work.

    By default, this option is on.

  • QDB_OPTION_COLUMN_DECLTYPES — populate the declared column types in the qdb_result_t that is returned from qdb_getresult(). If this option isn't set, that data isn't provided, and calling qdb_column_decltype() won't work.

    By default, this option is off.

The value to set the option to: either 0 (off) or 1 (on).




This function sets options for the database connection hdl. By default, all of these options are on except for QDB_OPTION_COLUMN_DECLTYPES, which is off.


Success. The previous value for option is returned.
The option specified isn't supported (errno is set).


QNX Neutrino

Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread Yes