Applying a driver update patch after you've installed QNX Neutrino

If you're updating or adding drivers to an already existing QNX Neutrino system using this mechanism, you must manually copy the drivers to the correct directory, and you must modify the boot image to use the new driver.

Here's how:

  1. Boot the machine and apply the driver updates.
  2. Once the machine has booted, copy the following from the driver update disk used in step 1:
    1. Copy the new devb-* drivers to /sbin.
    2. Copy drivers.cfg to somewhere under /. If you put it in a directory that's in the mkifs search path (e.g., /sbin, /boot/sys), mkifs will find it automatically.
  3. Copy the build file (typically to
  4. Edit the build file and do the following:
    • Add the names of the new block drivers (devb-*) after devb-eide.
    • Add the drivers.cfg file at the end. If the file is in the mkifs search path, then just add the file name. Otherwise add the full path:


  5. Create the new boot image:
    • If you're using the QNX 4 filesystem, do the following:
      1. As a safety precaution (so you'll be sure to have at least one image that boots):
        cp /.boot /.altboot
      2. mkifs /.boot
    • If you're using the Power-Safe ( filesystem, run:
      mkifs /.boot/driverupdate.ifs

      You can use qnxbasedma.ifs (or one of the other original boot images) if you run into problems.