Double buffering

This example illustrates the effect of double-buffering in the standard I/O library on an x86 PIII-725 machine with a UDMA-4 EIDE disk, using the QNX 4 filesystem.

The table shows the rate, in megabytes per second, of writing and reading a 256 MB file, with a record size of 8 KB:

Scenario Writing Reading
File descriptor 18 31
Standard I/O 13 16
setvbuf() 17 30

Here, you can see the effect of the default standard I/O buffer size (BUFSIZ, or 1 KB). When you ask it to transfer 8 KB, the library implements the transfer as 8 separate 1 KB operations. Note how the standard I/O case does match the above benchmark (see "Record size," above) for a 1 KB record, and the file-descriptor case is the same as the 8 KB scenario).

When you use setvbuf() to force the standard I/O buffering up to the 8 KB record size, then the results come closer to the optimal file-descriptor case (the small difference is due to the extra code complexity and the additional memcpy() between the user data and the internal standard I/O FILE buffer).