Organization of the Runtime Kit

The Runtime Kit is made of an installation utility plus associated archive files that contain the actual RTOS pieces.

Note: The QSS Runtime Modules are defined in the license guide. For more information about runtimes and royalties, contact your QSS sales representative.

The rtkit directory in the root directory of the QNX Software Development Platform Installation and Boot CD (x86 Targets) includes some text files that list the files you'll likely need for different parts of the runtime kit. For more information about these lists, see the "readme" file in the rtkit directory.

Note: We've included these file lists as examples.

You need to include the files for the base operating system, but you can add other files if you need them in your runtime kit. You can build separate archives for each file list, or you can combine the file lists and build one archive, depending on how you want to install the runtime kit.