Creating the CD

You need the QNX Software Development Platform Installation and Boot CD (x86 Targets) for this part. On a Neutrino host, this will typically be mounted in /fs/cd0 if it's inserted in the drive.

Note that the values and file names used in this set of instructions are for illustrative purposes only. You may use whatever names are appropriate for your application.

  1. Make a working directory and change into it:
    mkdir working_dir
    cd working_dir
  2. Create the required directory repository and boot/fs:
    mkdir -p repository
    mkdir -p boot/fs
  3. Copy the following required files from the original Installation and Boot CD (x86 Targets) to working_dir/boot/fs:
    cp /fs/cd0/boot/fs/qnxbase.qfs /fs/cd0/boot/fs/*.ifs ./boot/fs

    These are large files, so it could take a while to copy them.

  4. Copy the Runtime Kit version of the CD boot image (instflop-rtkit.dat) from the rtkit directory in the root directory of the Installation and Boot CD (x86 Targets) to the working_dir directory:
    cp /fs/cd0/rtkit/instflop-rtkit.dat ./instflop.dat
  5. Copy each of the archives you created earlier (see "Creating the archives," above) to ./repository:

    cp path_and_name_of_archive ./repository

  6. Create or copy the installation script and call it rtinstall. For a sample script, see "Sample installation script," below. Ensure the script is executable:

    cp path_to_script/rtinstall .

    chmod a+x ./rtinstall

  7. Go to any part of the Download area of our website (e.g. Downloads > All) and select Third-party software from the sidebar. Choose QNX Momentics 6.3.x. Download the cdrecord package, following the instructions given on the website.
    Note: The 6.3.x version of the cdrecord package is also compatible with later versions of QNX Neutrino.
  8. Make a CD image that can be burned, using the mkisofs utility from the cdrecord package. For example:

    path/mkisofs -r -b instflop.dat -c boot/isocatalog -J -o ../rtkit.iso .

    where path is the directory you installed mkisofs in.

  9. Transfer the resulting rtkit.iso file to a Windows or Linux machine, and use any CD-burning program such as Nero (on Windows) or cdrecord (on Linux) to create a CD.