Summary of signals

This table describes what each signal means.

Signal Description
SIGABRT Abnormal termination signal such as issued by the abort() function.
SIGALRM Timeout signal such as issued by the alarm() function.
SIGBUS Indicates a memory parity error (QNX-specific interpretation). Note that if a second fault occurs while your process is in a signal handler for this fault, the process will be terminated.
SIGCHLD (or SIGCLD) Child process terminated. The default action is to ignore the signal.
SIGCONT Continue if HELD. The default action is to ignore the signal if the process isn't HELD.
SIGDEADLK Mutex deadlock occurred. If you haven't called SyncMutexEvent(), and if the conditions that would cause the kernel to deliver the event occur, then the kernel delivers a SIGDEADLK instead.
SIGEMT EMT instruction (emulator trap).
SIGFPE Erroneous arithmetic operation (integer or floating point), such as division by zero or an operation resulting in overflow. Note that if a second fault occurs while your process is in a signal handler for this fault, the process will be terminated.
SIGHUP Death of session leader, or hangup detected on controlling terminal.
SIGILL Detection of an invalid hardware instruction. Note that if a second fault occurs while your process is in a signal handler for this fault, the process will be terminated.

One possible cause for this signal is trying to perform an operation that requires I/O privileges. A thread can request these privileges by:

  1. Enabling the PROCMGR_AID_IO ability enabled. For more information, see procmgr_ability().
  2. Calling ThreadCtl(), specifying the _NTO_TCTL_IO flag:
    ThreadCtl( _NTO_TCTL_IO, 0 );
SIGINT Interactive attention signal (Break).
SIGIOT IOT instruction (not generated on x86 hardware).
SIGKILL Termination signal—should be used only for emergency situations. This signal can't be caught or ignored.
SIGPIPE Attempt to write on a pipe with no readers.
SIGPOLL (or SIGIO) Pollable event occurred.
SIGPWR Power failure or restart.
SIGQUIT Interactive termination signal.
SIGSEGV Detection of an invalid memory reference. Note that if a second fault occurs while your process is in a signal handler for this fault, the process will be terminated.
SIGSTOP Stop process (the default). This signal cannot be caught or ignored.
SIGSYS Bad argument to system call.
SIGTERM Termination signal.
SIGTRAP Unsupported software interrupt.
SIGTSTP Stop signal generated from keyboard.
SIGTTIN Background read attempted from control terminal.
SIGTTOU Background write attempted to control terminal.
SIGURG Urgent condition present on socket.
SIGUSR1 Reserved as application-defined signal 1.
SIGUSR2 Reserved as application-defined signal 2.
SIGWINCH Window size changed.