Resource managers that manage an actual hardware resource will likely need to handle interrupts generated by the hardware. For a detailed discussion on strategies for interrupt handlers, see the chapter on Writing an Interrupt Handler in the QNX Neutrino Programmer's Guide.
How do interrupt handlers relate to resource managers? When a significant event happens within the interrupt handler, the handler needs to inform a thread in the resource manager. This is usually done via a pulse (discussed in the "Handling private messages and pulses" section of the Handling Other Messages chapter), but it can also be done with the SIGEV_INTR event notification type. Let's look at this in more detail.
When the resource manager starts up, it transfers control to thread_pool_start(). This function may or may not return, depending on the flags passed to thread_pool_create() (if you don't pass any flags, the function returns after the thread pool is created). This means that if you're going to set up an interrupt handler, you should do so before starting the thread pool, or use one of the strategies we discussed above (such as starting a thread for your entire resource manager).
However, if you're going to use the SIGEV_INTR event notification type, there's a catch — the thread that attaches the interrupt (via InterruptAttach() or InterruptAttachEvent()) must be the same thread that calls InterruptWait().