For the access() function, the client's C library will open a connection to the resource manager and perform a stat() call. Then, based on the results of the stat() call, the client's C library access() may perform an optional devctl() to get more information. In any event, because access() opened the device, it must also call close() to close it:

Client call:
io_open, io_lock_ocb, io_stat, io_unlock_ocb, io_lock_ocb (optional), io_devctl (optional), io_unlock_ocb (optional), io_close

Notice how the access() function opened the pathname/device — it sent it an _IO_CONNECT_COMBINE message along with the _IO_STAT message. This creates an OCB (when the io_open handler is called), locks the associated attribute structure (via io_lock_ocb), performs the stat (io_stat), and then unlocks the attributes structure (io_unlock_ocb). Note that we don't implicitly close the OCB — this is left for a later, explicit, message. Contrast this handling with that of the plain stat() above.