Block Tagging

Line tagging is sufficient for most editing tasks. It falls short in those cases where you wish to operate on a block of text within a line. This occurs most frequently in the preparation of multi-column text. For example, if you wished to move the block of "C"s



under the block of "B"s you would need to tag only the "C"s, not the "A"s and "B"s. Enter the text above and position yourself on the first character of the first line of "C"s. Depress the F7 (tag key) twice in rapid succession. The first depression will tag the line and the second depression will turn on the block tag feature and set a left limit at your cursor. The characters from the first C to the end of your line will be displayed in inverse video.

Now move your cursor to the C in the lower right corner and depress the F7 key again. You need only depress it once. This will tag the last line of "C"s and set a right limit. The block of "C"s should now be displayed in inverse video. If you wish, you may adjust the line range being tagged or the limits of the tag by moving your cursor and typing the F7 key. Unlike line tagging, typing F7 again will not remove a block tag.

Now move your cursor under the first B on the line containing the first row of "D"s and depress the F8 key. You will be queried with a more extensive list of operations then a simple line delete. They are

d - delete
The tagged block will be deleted. Any text to the right will slide over to the left to fill the gap.
e - erase
The tagged block will be replaced by blanks. In the special case where there is no text to the right of the block then the text is simply deleted. This option will maintain column integrity.
k - kopy
The tagged block will be copied to the current cursor location. The original text is unchanged unless the destination overlaps the tagged block.
m - move and erase
This is a combined kopy followed by an erase.
M - move and delete
This is a combined kopy followed by a delete.
s - save
The save option will save the tagged text into the file "/tmp/group.user", where group and user will be numbers. The saved text may be restored later using the ShiftF8 key. Selecting a column paste will insert the text at your cursor. You may save and restore text between different edit sessions.
p - print
Print tagged block on the printer ($lpt).