Appending New Text (F1)

To enter the text area with the intention of appending new text, you should press the F1 key. The cursor in the text area will become active (flashing) and the command line will be cross-hatched. You will also see option newline enabled (n+) and your last and current line on the line will now be (1,1) not (0,1). The Backspace key and CtrlX keys behave in the same manner as they did on the control line.

Type in the following text, typing carriage return at the end of each line. We apologize to J. R. Tolkien for the misquote.

Three Rings for the Eleven-kings under the sky,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his light throne
In the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie.
In the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie.

After you finish typing you will want to turn off the option newline (n-). This can be done by simply pressing the F1 key again. F1 is a toggle key. Note that option newline is disabled (n-) and the cursor is positioned at the current line or the last line typed. Please refer to the section entitled "Saving Your Text" if you wish to leave the editor and/or save your text.