Appending or Inserting Lines (F1/F2)

The F1 key appends after the current line and the F2 key inserts before the current line. Now that you have some text, let's experiment with the cursor keys. Using the four arrow keys at the right (, , , ), you can move the cursor anywhere on your text (note: If the arrow keys generate numbers, type the Scroll Lock key). Your screen will scroll if necessary. You can move off the right of the screen until your status display indicates that you are on column 512. Note that you can't move above the first line, below the last line or to left of the first character.

Using the arrow keys, position yourself on line 2 directly under the "N" of "Nine". Press the F2 key and note that option newline is now on (n+). A new line has opened up between line 1 and line 2 and the cursor points at the beginning of this new line. Press F2 again and notice how the line will disappear if you decide that this is not the place where you want to insert a new line. Press F2 again and type in the following:

Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

Now press F2 again to turn off option newline (n-) and use the cursors to position yourself on line 5 under the "I" of "In". Type F1 (n+) to append lines after line 5 and type in the following 2 lines:

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Disk to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

Now type F1 to turn off option newline (n-). The F1 and F2 keys behave identically when leaving newline mode.