The Linefeed Character (hex 0A)

The line separator character in QNX4 is a linefeed (hex 0A). Source files separate lines by a single linefeed character, not a carriage return. On input, whenever you enter a carriage return (hex 0D) it is mapped into a linefeed character.

When the editor reads a file it collects characters up until a linefeed, replaces the newline with a null (hex 00) and saves the collected characters as a line in your buffer. The point to note is that the linefeed is not saved. It is stripped on a read and added to the end of each line when the file is written.

In the definition of complex macros containing several lines, the lines may be separated by either a carriage return or a linefeed. The supplied macro file has adopted the convention of using the linefeed separator.