Special Characters

hex 00
Null character. Used to terminate lines within the editor. This character can not be saved in your text.
hex 09
Tab character. Expanded on output to the screen as enough spaces to move to the next tab stop. Tab stops are set every 4 columns.
hex 0a
Linefeed character. The carriage return is mapped into this character on input.
hex a3
Macro disable character. Disables any macro expansion for the next key typed.
hex fd
Accept a character from the keyboard.
hex fe
Recall character. Recall last typed command to the command line.
hex ff
Command character. Collect all following characters up until the next newline in a hidden buffer, then execute the buffer as a command.
Escape character. Will remove special significance of any meta character it precedes in a pattern. In patterns and the translate command a \hh sequence (hh is two hex digits) will reduce to a single character with hex value hh.
Meta characters. Only special within patterns when option meta is enabled (m+).