Registering a service

In order to use GNS, you need to first register the manager process with GNS, by calling name_attach().

When you register a service, you need to decide whether to register this manager's service locally or globally. If you register your service locally, only the local node is able to see this service; another node is not able to see it. This allows you to have client applications that look for service names rather than pathnames on the node it is executing on. This document highlights registering services globally.

When you register GNS service globally, any node on the network running a client application can use this service, provided the node is running a gns client process and is connected to the gns server, along with client applications on the nodes running the gns server process. You can use a typical name_attach() call as follows:

if ((attach = name_attach(NULL, "printer", NAME_FLAG_ATTACH_GLOBAL)) == NULL) {
     return EXIT_FAILURE;

First thing you do is to pass the flag NAME_FLAG_ATTACH_GLOBAL. This causes your service to be registered globally instead locally.

The last thing to note is the name. This is the name that clients search for. This name can have a single level, as above, or it can be nested, such as printer/ps. The call looks like this:

if ((attach = name_attach(NULL, "printer/ps", NAME_FLAG_ATTACH_GLOBAL)) == NULL) {
     return EXIT_FAILURE;

Nested names have no impact on how the service works. The only difference is how the services are organized in the filesystem generated by gns. For example:

$ ls -l /dev/name/global/
total 2
dr-xr-xr-x  0 root      techies           1 Feb 06 16:20 net
dr-xr-xr-x  0 root      techies           1 Feb 06 16:21 printer

$ ls -l /dev/name/global/printer
total 1
dr-xr-xr-x  0 root      techies           1 Feb 06 16:21 ps

The first argument to the name_attach() function is the dispatch handle. You pass a dispatch handle to name_attach() once you've already created a dispatch structure. If this argument is NULL, a dispatch structure is created automatically.

What happens if more than one instance of the server application (or two or more applications that register the same service name) are started and registered with GNS? This is treated as a redundant service. If one application terminates or detaches its service, the other service takes over. However, it's not a round-robin configuration; all requests go to one application until it's no longer available. At that point, the requests resolve to another application that had registered the same service. There is no guaranteed ordering.

There's no credential restriction for applications that are attached as local services. An application can attach a service globally only if the application has root privilege.

When your application is to terminate, or you wish not to provide access to the service via GNS, you should call name_detach(). This removes the service from GNS.

For more information, see name_attach() and name_detach() .

Your client should call name_open() to locate the service. If you wish to locate a global service, you need to pass the flag NAME_FLAG_ATTACH_GLOBAL:

if ((fd = name_open("printer", NAME_FLAG_ATTACH_GLOBAL)) == -1) {
     return EXIT_FAILURE;


if ((fd = name_open("printer/ps", NAME_FLAG_ATTACH_GLOBAL)) == -1) {
     return EXIT_FAILURE;

If you don't specify this flag, GNS looks only for a local service. The function returns an fd that you can then use to access the service manager by sending messages, just as if you it had opened the service directly as /dev/par1, or /net/node/dev/par1.