Other environment variables

Enable some initial verbose output regarding other variables that are enabled.
Set the depth of the backtrace for allocations (i.e. where the allocation occurred) on CPUs that support deeper backtrace levels. Currently the builtin-return-address feature of gcc is used to implement deeper backtraces for the debug malloc library. The default value is 0.
Set the depth of the backtrace for errors and warnings on CPUs that support deeper backtrace levels. Currently the builtin-return-address feature of gcc is used to implement deeper backtraces for the debug malloc library. The default value is 0.
Trigger leak detection on exit of the program. The output of the leak detection is sent to the file named by this variable.
Enable tracing of all calls to malloc(), free(), calloc(), realloc(), etc. A trace of the various calls is store in the file named by this variable.
Specify the level of checking performed by the MALLOC_CKACCESS option. By default, a basic level of checking is performed. By increasing the level of checking, additional things that could be errors are also flagged. For example, a call to memset() with a length of zero is normally safe, since no data is actually moved. If the arguments, however, point to illegal locations (memory references that are invalid), this normally suggests a case where there is a problem potentially lurking inside the code. By increasing the level of checking, these kinds of errors are also flagged.
Note: These environment variables were added in QNX Momentics 6.3.0 SP2.