The functions, macros, and data structures in the C library are described here in alphabetical order.
A ¦ B ¦ C ¦ D ¦ E ¦ F ¦ G ¦ H ¦ I ¦ J ¦ K ¦ L ¦ M ¦ N ¦ O ¦ P ¦ Q ¦ R ¦ S ¦ T ¦ U ¦ V ¦ W ¦ X ¦ Y ¦ Z
The following are described elsewhere:
For information about: | See: |
APS_INIT_DATA() | SchedCtl() |
This chapter describes the API components whose names begin with "A".
API component | Description |
abort() | Raise the SIGABRT signal to terminate program execution |
abs() | Return the absolute value of an integer |
accept() | Accept a connection on a socket |
access() | Check to see if a file or directory can be accessed |
acl_add_perm() | Add a permission to an access control list (ACL) permission set |
acl_calc_mask() | Calculate the group class mask for an access control list (ACL) |
acl_clear_perms() | Clear all permissions from an ACL permission set |
acl_copy_entry() | Copy the contents of one ACL entry into another |
acl_copy_ext() | Copy an ACL from system space to user space |
acl_copy_int() | Copy an ACL from user space to system space |
acl_create_entry() | Create an entry in an access control list |
acl_delete_entry() | Delete an entry from an access control list (ACL) |
acl_delete_perm() | Delete a permission from an ACL permissions set |
acl_dup() | Duplicate an access control list (ACL) in a working storage area |
acl_free() | Free the working storage area allocated for an access control list (ACL) data object |
acl_from_text() | Create an access control list (ACL) from text |
acl_get_entry() | Get an entry in an access control list (ACL) |
acl_get_fd() | Get the access control list associated with a file descriptor |
acl_get_file() | Get the ACL for a given path |
acl_get_permset() | Get a permission set from an ACL entry |
acl_get_qualifier() | Get the qualifier from an ACL entry |
acl_get_tag_type() | Get the type of tag from an ACL entry |
acl_init() | Allocate and initialize an access control list (ACL) working storage area |
acl_set_fd() | Set the access ACL for the object associated with a file descriptor |
acl_set_file() | Set the access control list for a path |
acl_set_permset() | Set the permissions set in an ACL entry |
acl_set_qualifier() | Set the qualifier for an ACL entry |
acl_set_tag_type() | Set the tag type of an ACL entry |
acl_size() | Determine the size of the external form of an ACL |
acl_to_text() | Convert an access control list (ACL) into text |
acl_valid() | Validate an access control list (ACL) |
acos(), acosf(), acosl() | Compute the arccosine of an angle |
acosh(), acoshf(), acoshl() | Compute the inverse hyperbolic cosine |
addrinfo | TCP/IP address information |
aio_cancel() | Cancel an asynchronous I/O operation |
aio_error() | Get the error status for an asynchronous I/O operation |
aio_fsync() | Asynchronously synchronize a file |
aio_read(), aio_read64() | Asynchronously read from a file |
aio_return() | Get the return status for an asynchronous I/O operation |
aio_suspend() | Wait for asynchronous I/O operations to be completed |
aio_write(), aio_write64() | Asynchronously write to a file |
aiocb, aiocb64 | Asynchronous I/O control block |
alarm() | Schedule an alarm |
alloca() | Allocate automatic space from the stack |
alphasort() | Compare two directory entries |
_amblksiz | The increment for the break pointer |
_argc | The number of arguments passed to main() |
_argv | A pointer to the vector of arguments passed to main() |
asctime(), asctime_r() | Convert time information to a string |
asin(), asinf(), asinl() | Compute the arcsine of an angle |
asinh(), asinhf(), asinhl() | Compute the inverse hyperbolic sine |
assert() | Print a diagnostic message and optionally terminate the program |
asyncmsg_channel_create() | Create an asynchronous message channel |
asyncmsg_channel_destroy() | Destroy an asynchronous message channel |
asyncmsg_connect_attach() | Establish a connection to be used for asynchronous messages between a process and a channel |
asyncmsg_connect_attr() | Examine or change connection attributes for asynchronous messaging |
asyncmsg_connect_detach() | Break a connection used for asynchronous messages between a process and a channel |
_asyncmsg_connection_attr | Attributes for a connection used for asynchronous messages |
asyncmsg_flush() | Flush the asynchronous messages sent through a connection |
asyncmsg_free() | Free a message buffer used for asynchronous messaging |
asyncmsg_get() | Receive an asynchronous message |
asyncmsg_malloc() | Allocate a message buffer for sending an asynchronous message |
asyncmsg_put(), asyncmsg_putv() | Send an asynchronous message to a connection |
atan(), atanf(), atanl() | Compute the arctangent of an angle |
atan2(), atan2f() | Compute the arctangent, determining the quadrant |
atanh(), atanhf(), atanhl() | Compute an inverse hyperbolic tangent |
atexit() | Register functions to be called during normal program termination |
atof() | Convert a string into a double |
atoh() | Convert a string containing a hexadecimal number into an unsigned number |
atoi() | Convert a string into an integer |
atol(), atoll() | Convert a string into a long integer |
atomic_add() | Safely add to a variable |
atomic_add_value() | Safely add to a variable, returning the previous value |
atomic_clr() | Safely clear a variable |
atomic_clr_value() | Safely clear a variable, returning the previous value |
atomic_set() | Safely set bits in a variable |
atomic_set_value() | Safely set bits in a variable, returning the previous value |
atomic_sub() | Safely subtract from a variable |
atomic_sub_value() | Safely subtract from a variable, returning the previous value |
atomic_toggle() | Safely toggle a variable |
atomic_toggle_value() | Safely toggle a variable, returning the previous value |
_auxv | A pointer to a vector of auxiliary arguments to main() |