Pulse notification

To send a pulse when the timer fires, set the sigev_notify field to SIGEV_PULSE and provide some extra information:

Field Value and meaning
sigev_coid Send the pulse to the channel associated with this connection ID.
sigev_value A 32-bit value that gets sent to the connection identified in the sigev_coid field.
sigev_code An 8-bit value that gets sent to the connection identified in the sigev_coid field.
sigev_priority The pulse's delivery priority. The value zero is not allowed (too many people were getting bitten by running at priority zero when they got a pulse — priority zero is what the idle task runs at, so effectively they were competing with Neutrino's IDLE process and not getting much CPU time :-)).

Note that the sigev_coid could be a connection to any channel (usually, though not necessarily, the channel associated with the process that's initiating the event).