
int io_link (resmgr_context_t * ctp , io_link_t * msg , RESMGR_HANDLE_T * handle , io_link_extra_t * extra )

Classification: Connect

Default handler: none

Helper functions: iofunc_link()

Client function: link()

Messages: _IO_CONNECT with subtype _IO_CONNECT_LINK

Data structure:

struct _io_connect {
  // internal fields (as described above)
  uint16_t path_len;
  uint8_t  extra_type;
  uint16_t extra_len;
  char     path [1];

struct _io_connect_link_reply {
  uint32_t reserved1 [2];
  uint8_t  eflag;
  uint8_t  reserved2 [3];
  uint32_t umask;
  uint16_t nentries;
  uint16_t path_len;

typedef union {
  struct _io_connect            connect;
  struct _io_connect_link_reply link_reply;
} io_link_t;

typedef union _io_link_extra {
  struct _msg_info              info;
  void                          *ocb;
  char                          path [1];
  struct _io_resmgr_link_extra  resmgr;
} io_link_extra_t;

Description: Creates a new link with the name given in the path member of msg to the already-existing pathname specified by the path member of extra (passed to your function). For convenience, the ocb member of extra contains a pointer to the OCB for the existing pathname.

Returns: The status via the helper macro _RESMGR_STATUS.