To attach to an interrupt source, you'd use either InterruptAttach() or InterruptAttachEvent().
#include <sys/neutrino.h> int InterruptAttachEvent (int intr, const struct sigevent *event, unsigned flags); int InterruptAttach (int intr, const struct sigevent * (*handler) (void *area, int id), const void *area, int size, unsigned flags);
The intr argument specifies which interrupt you wish to attach the specified handler to. The values passed are defined by the startup code that initialized the PIC (amongst other things) just before Neutrino was started. (There's more information on the startup code in your Neutrino documentation; look in the Utilities Reference, under startup-*; e.g., startup-p5064.)
At this point, the two functions InterruptAttach() and InterruptAttachEvent() differ. Let's look at InterruptAttachEvent() as it's simpler, first. Then we'll come back to InterruptAttach().