For more information about this program, see "Kernel timeouts with pthread_join()" in the Clocks, Timers, and Getting a Kick Every So Often chapter.
/* * tt1.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/neutrino.h> #define SEC_NSEC 1000000000LL // 1 billion nanoseconds in a second void * long_thread (void *notused) { printf ("This thread runs for more than 10 seconds\n"); sleep (20); } int main (void) // ignore arguments { uint64_t timeout; struct sigevent event; int rval; pthread_t thread_id; // set up the event -- this can be done once // This or event.sigev_notify = SIGEV_UNBLOCK: SIGEV_UNBLOCK_INIT (&event); // create a thread pthread_create (&thread_id, NULL, long_thread, NULL); // set up for 10 second timeout timeout = 10LL * SEC_NSEC; TimerTimeout (CLOCK_REALTIME, _NTO_TIMEOUT_JOIN, &event, &timeout, NULL); rval = pthread_join (thread_id, NULL); if (rval == ETIMEDOUT) { printf ("Thread %d is still running after 10 seconds!\n", thread_id); } sleep (5); TimerTimeout (CLOCK_REALTIME, _NTO_TIMEOUT_JOIN, &event, &timeout, NULL); rval = pthread_join (thread_id, NULL); if (rval == ETIMEDOUT) { printf ("Thread %d is still running after 25 seconds (bad)!\n", thread_id); } else { printf ("Thread %d finished (expected!)\n", thread_id); } }