The cpu_intr_base member

The interpretation of the cpu_intr_base member varies with the processor:

Processor Interpretation
x86 The IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table) entry, typically 0x30.
PPC The offset from the beginning of the exception table where execution begins when an external interrupt occurs. A sample value is 0x0140, calculated by 0x0500 / 4.
PPC/BE Interrupts no longer start at fixed locations in low memory. Instead there's a set of IVOR (Interrupt Vector Offset Register) registers. Each exception class has a different IVOR. When you specify the interrupt layout to startup, you'll need to identify the particular IVOR register the processor will use when the interrupt occurs. For example, PPCBKE_SPR_IVOR4 is used for normal external interrupts; PPCBKE_SPR_IVOR10 is used for decrementer interrupts. See startup/boards/440rb/init_intrinfo.c for an example of what to do on bookE CPUs.
MIPS The value in the "cause" register when an external interrupt occurs. A sample value is 0.
ARM This value should be 0, since all ARM interrupts are handled via the IRQ exception.
SH The offset from the beginning of the exception table where execution starts when an interrupt occurs. For example, for 7750, the value is 0x600.