All the callout routines share a set of similar characteristics:
Callouts are basically binding standalone pieces of code for the kernel to invoke without having to statically link them to the kernel.
The requirement for coding the callouts in assembler stems from the second requirement (i.e. that they must be written to be position-independent). This is because the callouts are provided as part of the startup code, which will get overwritten when the kernel starts up. In order to circumvent this, the startup program will copy the callouts to a safe place — since they won't be in the location that they were loaded in, they must be coded to be position-independent.
We need to qualify the last requirement (i.e. that callouts not use any static read/write storage). There's a mechanism available for a given callout to allocate a small amount of storage space within the system page, but the callouts cannot have any static read/write storage space defined within themselves.